-Where's the team?
-They've just touched down.
-Those are the nukes?
-Yes, sir. Mike and lke.
It wasn't my idea.
Never thought I'd be
the first president since Truman...
to wipe out an entire city.
Especially one of our own.
-I'm Mayor Salizar. Welcome to LA.
-Thank you, Madame Mayor.
We've arranged transportation,
along with most of the equipment.
-What do you mean "most of it"?
-A truck went up in a tunnel fire.
-They'll have to do it with only one.
-Dig 3OO feet with only one rotor?
-Jesus Christ!
-How soon can you track down more?
-Couple days, maybe.
-Couple days? Shit, man.
-We'll all be pot stickers.
-What about blasting?
We could use Power Gel packs
with a higher VOD rating.
Not if we hit granite. And since
we don't have time to sample...
-He's right. We need those rotors.
-Right. We'll do everything we can.
Thank you.
All right. Get this stuff loaded up,
we're moving out in about, say...
...fifteen minutes.
-Guy creeps me out.
-Makes two of us.
-Clock's ticking, sir.
If we want to reach the site
on schedule, we gotta bolt now.
You heard him. Load up. And keep
it small. 2 trucks. Police back up.
-This ain't gonna be a parade.
-May I say a little something?
Sure, Norris.
Heavenly Father, we ask for your
strength and courage to guide us.
Watch over us so that we may
preserve your glorious creation.
-Amen to that.