-What do you mean, they stopped?
-They're 3.4 miles from the site.
-You get me Beckett on Satcom.
-Yes, sir.
-What is it, Colonel?
-I don't know yet. Stand by.
-Keys in there?
-Yes, sir.
-What about the gas?
-It 's empty.
I don't get it, Colonel.
-Hey, Styles.
Check the map.
Plot us a new route around this.
-Sniper fire! Back up!
-Get down!
Back up!
Norris, lock them down.
-Satcom is down, sir.
-Christ. Give me thermal. Now!
-Get out of there!
-I'm trying!
-Damn it, Mac. Where are they?
-I'm on it!
Sniper! Rooftop! Nine o'clock.
Mac. Styles.
Lay down cover. On three.
One, two, three!
-Yes, sir. Automatic weapons fire.
-What the hell is going on?
-Keep your head down.
Norris! Cap a Slim Jim! Stat!