Heavenly Father. Accept this
man's soul into Your kingdom.
A place it shall remain
safe for eternity.
You and your dad
better be right about this.
Break out the gators.
-What happened?
-They were attacked. We lost contact.
-What is the status of the nukes?
-Stable. For the moment.
-Tell me you have a contingency.
-I've mobilized the AWACs.
And we're waiting for your orders
to send in the gunships.
-Sir! They're moving.
-Can you confirm who has them?
No, sir. But they are
definitely back in play.
-Could be a terrorist element.
-Could be a rogue militia.
Excuse me. I have to base
my decisions on facts.
-So get me some.
-Yes. I'll scramble the gunships.
We have to proceed as if
the team has been eliminated.
What about his kid?
-You can send in another team.
-I can't risk it. There's no time.
General, that city
is coming apart.
God only knows what kind of
madmen are running loose out there.
We came here tonlght
Andlamhere to tellyou people
that Godhasaplan.