All right, people.
Cash and carry. Let 's move!
It has to be them. They're still
heading toward the target site.
At that speed? lmpossible.
Are they carrying the damn things?
I want visual confirmation
that our team has those devices.
Yes, sir.
Tango seven, we needa vlsual
conflrmatlonofthe target. Over.
Rogerthat,Command. Should
have a vlsualanysecond.
Tango seven,do youhave a vlsual?
Negatlve. There'sno slgn...
Checkthat. I've got ATV
tracksgolnglnto the tunnel.
-Yes! They're in.
-And still on schedule.
-Let 's hope it stays that way.
-I can tell you this about Ryan:
he never quits.
I'm not worried about Beckett.
It 's the rest of the world.
All right, people.
Okay, hold on.
Talk to me, Doc.
Another thirty meters
should be optimal.
Mac, you and Dr. Sallin head to
the site. Norris, you go with them.
-Get that rig up and running.
-On the bus, Gus.
Styles! Find aspot to park that
second nuke. And don't touch it.
But it 's so sexy.
Not bad. We've got 15 hours.
8 hours to drill. 4 hours to evac.