What's up?
- Here's your keys, Rick.
- Shella.
Hi, I'm Charles Merchant.
On my sixth birthday
my father gave me a tricycle.
Then, he got on a train
and never saw him again.
My mother...
was left without a job or a dime
to raise me...
and my five sisters.
We had nothing.
But, by the time I was 22,
I was a millionaire.
And today, I'm a millionaire
many times over.
My tapes will tell you
all you need to know...
about making
a great start...
In the profitable world
of real estate.
Is this you? Stuck in some
dead-end job?
Well, this could be you.
And I will not only
give you your dream job...
I will get you started for free.
Gee, Mr. Merchant,
how can you afford to do that?
You must be crazy.
A lot of people think I'm crazy, Susan..
but I guess I just like
helping people.
Low-life piece of crap.
Doleman. That's him.
I spent $450 and those lousy
tapes don't work.
- I told you not to get those, Shmall.
- I will not let this rest.
He has wounded me.
But I will win the battle.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm going to egg his house.
- What?
- After work.
It's that big fancy thing on
the top of the hill Farrel.
Shmall, nobody eggs houses anymore.
It's ridiculous.
I'm bringing it back.
Do you wanna come?
Fine. Be that way.