- Are you and I going fast?
- Hey!
- Hello?
- Walter?
- Yes?
- I have some bad news.
It's about your
two uncles, son.
Walter? Walter?
Good news...
you're spending the summer
with your two uncles.
It's just gonna be for a few weeks.
A month or two, tops.
Scout's honor, okay?
Cross my heart
and hope to die, okay?
Where are you going
this time?
The Fort Worth College
of Court Reporting.
I met a guy
last night.
He's gonna pull
some strings.
Walter, you're gonna have
to learn to trust people,
or you're gonna grow up
bitter and disappointed.
You're gonna have fun
with your two uncles. You'll see.
Mom, you're
an only child.
I know
what uncles are.
Well, Mr. Smarty Pants,
It just so happens,
they really are your uncles.
Your great-uncles.
My mother's brothers.
They disappeared 40 years ago
and just showed up back here in Texas.
- Can't I come with you?
- No!
Honey, I'm gonna be working my tail
off learning court reporting.