I la-like you.
Extra, extra!
Germany invades!
just as we arrived in France,
so did the Kaiser
and the entire German Army.
I wanted to go home,
but Hub said we should tour Europe
one step ahead of the Germans.
And we did.
What a time that was.
There were these girls
in Toulon... twins. And they...
we eventually wound up
in Marseilles
with passage booked
on the last ship out of Europe.
And Hub, he decided
that we should spend our last night
the local nightlife.
Three, three!
He made friends
with these soldiers,
and they bought us some drinks...
strong, strange drinks.
We woke up on a ship
bound for North Africa...
- Shanghaied?
- Yeah.
We found ourselves
in the French Foreign Legion.
"It's all my fault," Hub said,
but he told me not to worry.
He'd make sure
nothing happened to me.