They're not back yet, Daddy.
I'm sure with Hub
just out of the hospital,
they're taking it slow
and easy on the way home.
Oh, I hate this house.
I hate it.
When those two finally
drop dead,
I want you to burn this place
to the ground, Daddy.
Hey, what's that?
Beats me.
- Let's tear it up!
- Yeah.
What is it?
It's stuffed!
- Mom!
- Mom!
- He's alive!
- What? What happened?
I told you about
those lies of yours. No!
Hey, don't step on my shoes!
What have you done
with Uncle Hub?
Kid, get some meat.
Where's Uncle Hub?
Oh, Lord, there's
been an accident.
I wanna go home now.
You're in no shape
to go home now.
It was a fight. Uncle Hub won.
It was great.
- Ahh!
- The lion really did try to eat us.
- Shush.
- Jasmine?
Oh Jasmine!
I haven't fed her all day.
I bet she's really hungry.
I got to go feed her.
Here, here!
Here you go,