l know.
l know.
l must go.
Stay here and be a good horsey
for the new sheriff.
Uh, sheriff,
that stage is headed east.
lsn't China kind of west
of here?
l'm not going to China.
l'm going to New York.
Roy invested my money.
ls it true that he lives in a
penthouse at the top of the Ritz
surrounded by dozens
of beautiful women
at his every beck and call?
That's the old Roy.
He's married, settled down.
Trust me, he's changed.
So there we were.
Completely outnumbered.
He didn't have to tell me
we didn't stand a chance.
So l send the Shanghai Kid
and the princess out the back.
Poor Shanghai Kid.
He was so frightened.
He forgot to thank me
for saving his life.
l'm used to that.
Now, l returned to the front,
and l counted to three...
and l burst out of the mission.
Pearl handles blazing.
Lead flying everywhere.
And not a single bullet
touched me.
What happened
to the emperor's gold?
Well, we divided it up.
l insisted on giving my share
to the lndians.
The savages?
Please don't ever call
those noble people savages.
lf being proud of your body
and wanting to ride around naked
all day makes you a savage,
then, by God,
you're drinking with a savage.
And that is what you call
a French toast.
You are so sophisticated,
Mr. O'Bannon.