We must find the seal.
What do you see?
Shh, shh, shh!
He just pulled a fancy
dragon key out of his desk.
That was my father's!
l must avenge his honor.
Hey, slow down, tiger.
Slow down.
Quit going all Chinese on me.
Where is he?
Damn it. Remember
your puzzle box. Patience.
Okay, there are no windows.
We just came in
through the only doorway.
That leaves one explanation.
Remember in "Roy O'Bannon
vs. The Mummy"
how the zombie king got away
when l chased him
into the pharaoh's tomb?
There's a secret passageway
behind the sphinx.
There's gotta be a lever
or a button over here.
Help me lift some stuff up.
The painting.
lt's looking at me.
-Oh, yeah.
Looks like it's looking at me.
That's great.
No, real eyes.
That kid got to you,
didn't he?
We're not in a haunted house.
That's a technique
that an artist uses.
"Ubiquitous gaze" or "pursuant
eyes" is the technical term.
lt's unnerving, though.
l'll give you that.
Now, those eyes. Look!
Whatever you say, Chon.
Let's see what you got here,
What, Chon?
Are the statues moving now?