Nice night for a walk.
-There you are!
What are you doing?
Don't you know there's
a serial killer on the loose?
Forget it.
Who the hell are these guys?
What do they want with us?
They're with me.
l think we need to have
a little chat.
Chon Wang --
the man who can fight
an emperor.
The emperor should never have
his burial knife.
l see.
You're still
my brother's lapdog.
l'm here not for him.
l'm here for my father.
Of course you are.
lt was my dagger
that plunged into his heart.
lt's still crusted
with his blood.
l know the boy has the seal.
Where is he?
We don't know.
That's the truth --
we don't know.
What are you --
What are you doing?