You look ridiculous.
l think we look good.
l really must protest
this intrusion.
Every bobby in London is out
scouring the streets
for you two.
Have you been drinking?
l always drink when my
employment's been terminated.
They fired you?
Lord Rathbone saw to that.
l'm sorry.
lt's of no consequence.
l never wanted to be
an inspector in the first place.
lt was my father's idea.
l always wanted to be
a writer.
Artie, we need your help.
Rathbone has taken Lin.
He's gonna kill
the royal family
and he's gonna assume
the throne.
Do you have any evidence
to support these
preposterous allegations?
We have this.
lt's the boy's.
Use your technique.
Tell us where he is.
Paraffin wax --
most interesting.
He's at a church.
The little punk's hiding
in a church.
No, no, no.
lt's not candle wax.
l have it.
-Don't worry. You'll get it.
-What are you doing?
-He's picking the lock.
-Well, hurry up!
Chon, please! Please.
lt's a very meticulous process.
Let Artie do his job.
lt's almost an art form.
lt takes the precision
of a surgeon.
You have to be so precise.
Maybe if we jam
another one in there.
That works, too.
Lacks a certain finesse.
All right, all right.
Let's split up.