Shanghai Knights

That's Chinese.
"Family is forever, my son.
l'm proud
you cast your own stone."

That's a good message.
l'd like to cast
my own stone, Chon.


l told you -- the house
of O'Bannon will prevail.

Chon, l got a business
proposition for you.

No more zeppelins.
No, no, this is much better
than zeppelins --

a new thing they're starting
out in California

called moving pictures.
Hold it. Hold it.
Hear me out.

l really think these movies
could play to your strength.

There's no sound,
so we don't have to worry
about the language problem.

And l think the kung fu stuff
could be huge.

People are dying
for a good action picture.

What do you think?
Chon Wang, movie star?
lt could work.
l feel bad about ditching
that Chaplin kid,

but we're gonna be running
and gunning in Hollywood,

and he'd just cramp our style.
lt's such a tough town.
Bloody tourists!
