lt could work.
lt could work.
You could do your own stunts.
What? My own stunts?
Whoa! Whoa!
Stay here and be a good horsey
for the new sheriff.
That hurt.
You're supposed to catch me!
Roy, catch.
-That's my fault.
Wait a second.
This nut is killing
your street women?
Who did that?
Jackie Chan.
That's right.
-That was the...
-First time.
-The best take.
-l'm sorry.
Hurry up!
Are you crazy?!
l can't do that!
This isn't Chinatown!
l can't sail through the air!
-l'm not gonna break my neck!
What in our history together
makes you think l'm capable
of something like that?
lt's getting bigger!
There's got to be
a better way.