Let me guess. He's on you again
about a redesign.
- Yeah, cover page and graphics.
- And photographs.
Let me remind you Steve,
this magazine hasn't changed
its look since the '80s.
How is it?
lt's good.
- You hate it.
- No, it's good, lt's a little rough.
No, it's the worst thing
l ever wrote. lt's horrible.
lf you guys don't help me with it,
l'm not even going to send it in.
- When is it due?
- Tomorrow.
l may have to kill myself.
l mean, The New York Times
Will you guys
help me with it, please?
- Of course.
- Of course.
Thank you.
Call for you on three, sweetie--
someone from Policy Review.
When did you start talking
to Policy Review?
l'm not. lt's probably nothing.
Send it to my voicemail, okay?
- Oh, and sweetie...?
- Mm-hmm?
Caitlin just told me that she needs
gifts for... two showers next week?
You think you might have
something for her?
l'll get my box.
- Stephen: l couldn't resist.
- So, do you want to do this now, or--
Yeah, in a second.
l have to return a quick phone call.
l got you some gum.
lf l were to throw a party,
where all we did was play ''Monopoly,''
- would you guys come?
- Could l be the little shoe?
Of course.
The lawyers have asked us
to tone down the cover on Serbia.
- They have?
- lt might invite charges of libel.
l know a little bit of libel law,
it's only relevant if the person in
question has been out of the public eye.
Well, yes.
So there is Serbia, hidden,
unknown to the world
at large, until...
it appeared on the cover
of The New Republic.
Our weekly circulation
of 80,000.
- 81.5.
- You almost done with it, Rob?
- Two days. Tops.
- Yes, two days from Chanukah.
Hey, it's basically finished--
for the most part.
Next up. Amy?
Just finished the piece
on ethanol subsidies.
There are 16,800 magazines
in this country.