Shattered Glass

ls it pronounced
''jooked'' or ''jucked''?

lt's pronounced,
''give me back my article.''


Adam--! Can you give
a man a minute?

Oh, yeah.
l'm sorry.

Er, it's just that...
this New Republic piece
is a fucking sieve.

l started with a check
on ''Jukt Micronics,''

which is supposed to be this major
software company in California.

l went through every search engine
on the Web-- no matches found.

So l called 411
every area code in the state.

There's no listing anywhere
for a company called ''Jukt Micronics.''

Tried the California
Tax Franchise Board,

there's no record of taxes
ever having been paid

by a company
called Jukt Micronics.

Tried the State
Comptroller's Office,

no license has ever been applied for
by a company using that name.

Then l called
all the hackers l know,

asking if any had heard
of a ''National Assembly of Hackers,''

or a hacker by the name
of ''Big Bad Bionic Boy.''

l even tried lan Restil himself.

There's no listing for the kid in D.C.,
Virginia, Maryland.

There's no record of him ever having
attended a public school before.

- More?
- Please.

This guy Joe Hiert was described
in the Glass piece

as being this a former
basketball agent,

yet no one by that name has ever
been registered with the NBA

and none of my hackers
knew of him.

l even checked the names
of every government--

l was just getting some coffee.
l checked the names of every
government employee quoted in the piece,

against a book listing the names
of every government employee

in the entire United States.
None of the Glass sources were listed.

But there is one thing
in this story that checks out.

What's that?
There does appear to be a state
in the Union named Nevada.

- For Christ's sakes.
- God, l'm sorry, Stephen.

l wanted to see if you read it yet.
lt was sitting right here, you know?
