Shattered Glass

No, l didn't mean
to imply that l had been.

Sorry about that.
Did the fax come through okay?

Yes, it did.
l think the address must've gotten
garbled. We can't find the site.

- You want to read it back to me?
- Sure.

You gave us

- Wait. Was that an ''M''?
- l'm sorry?

After Jukt, was that an ''M,''
as in ''Micronics''?

No, it was an ''N'',
as in ''Not working.''

- Try ''M.''
- Okay.

Sorry about that,
l was rushing.

Of course.
But l do find myself
wondering, Stephen.

Why would a major software
company put their website

where only AOL members can
access it, as opposed to the entire Web?

l have no idea.
l don't have a website so l don't really
know that much about them.

l would trust you guys
to know better than me.

Okay. Looks like...
we have
the Jukt website up now.

l have to say, Stephen...
this looks very
suspicious to me.

How so?
Quite frankly,
it doesn't look like a real website.

lt looks like a site that was--
created to fool someone.

l don't know much about computers.
Could somebody do that?

- Of course.
- Very easily.

So easily, in fact,
it's incredible.

Do you still want that number
for Jim Ghort? l found it in my notes.

Yeah, sure.
All right. 605, 84--
- Wait.
- Sorry?

that's not Nevada.

l guess l got him mixed up
with another source.
