Sorry about that one.
Oh, you know what it was?
Jim Ghort was the guy who told me
about the law enforcement officials.
l don't know what l was thinking.
l'm going to have to get you--
Give him the number.
This guy is toast.
All right, Stephen,
in light of all this,
how confident are you
in this story of yours?
Are we off the record?
lf you like.
Well, off the record--
some of the things
that you've brought up--
the website...
the idea that l was always speaking
to these people through voicemail--
that is, that they were
always calling me--
it didn't seem strange before,
but clearly,
there are some problems with the story.
You've pointed them out.
One portion of it
was structured in a way that--
l just-- well...
in light of all this...
l just--
l'm increasingly beginning to believe
that l've been duped.
And so we hang up,
after he's basically let these guys
interrogate me for an hour.
And l go, ''Chuck,
wh-what happened?
l mean, why
didn't you back me up?''
He goes, ''l'm sorry, Steve,
l've got to protect the magazine.
- l mean, l'm the editor.''
- Typical.
He's being such an asshole.
So l'm dead, pretty much.
Yes, this is Kambiz.