Shattered Glass

We were at this table.
Restil sat here,
his mother was on his left,

Hiert-- sorry,
his mother was on his right.

Hiert sat there,
but Restil wanted him closer,
so he slid his chair over.

Sims sat here.
He had a lawyer next to him.

l forget the guy's name,
it's in my notes.

Somebody was smoking
at this table,

so Restil's mother insisted
that we move to one farther away.

Over there.
The Hacker Conference
was near here, right?


Yeah, the building next door.
l don't remember from the article.
How many people were at this thing?

lt looked like a hundred,
might have been two. lt's in my notes.

200 people? Here?
Yeah, they moved in and out.
l mean, most of them were kids.

That doesn't seem
credible to me.

All l know is l was here.
All of us were right here.
- Excuse me sir, can l help you?
- Yes, you can.

We're looking into a conference
held here a couple of Sundays ago.

Computer hackers.
Do you remember anything like that?

Are you sure you're
in the right building, sir?

- Yes, we're sure.
- Why is that?

Building's closed on Sunday.
All l know is, l was here.
The conference was right here.
That's why the Restils
only stayed a few minutes, okay?

Because it was such
a dumb place to squeeze into.

So they went to a restaurant for dinner,
with some of lan's hacker friends.
