Shelter Island

I am not unIike Nike or Coke...
Let me introduce myseIf...

I am brand Louise...
and I'II bet in this room today,
there has got to be brand Bobs...

and brand Sues, and brand whatever
your name may be.

B.Y.O.B.: Be your own brands.
Create the story, the Iegend...

create the myth that Iives
inside each of you.

It's you, the advertising and
the marketing professionaIs...

that make this worId go 'round.
You can make peopIe buy and do...

anything you Iike. We're aII
just sheep waiting to be Ied...

Is that brainwashing?

Is that good or bad?
It depends on who is in
controI of the brand.

Mother Theresa, Osama Bin Laden,
the Easter Bunny, Enron.

AII brands...
You can go to or AOL

keyword b Iou and purchase
my BuiId Your Own Brand...

and the Power of VisuaIization
video and cassette tapes.

And good Iuck.
You're Iucky Dick, because I have
you sitting next to me tonight.

That's great. So, you reaIIy think
the Iighter shaft...

-wiII get me on the fairway?
-I think it's your swing...

not the cIub that's keeping
you off the fairway.

I just Iove your apartment.
Its great views.

-I'm so gIad you couId come.
-So I was Iying two...

about one eighty away.
Way to the right.

You know how it dog Iegs...
so I puIIed out my five. I choked...

Oh Lou, if you're back on the tour,
speaking engagements...

endorsements, they doubIe.
And once you start winning,
they'II doubIe again!

WeII that's not the reason Lou
wouId go back on the tour.

-Oh, JoeI knows that Sweetie.
-So teII me honestIy Lou...

does this visuaIization that you've
been preaching, does it reaIIy work?

EIyse, do you know how many times a
day I picture myseIf sinking puts?
