-Hey, Honey.
So, any decisions?
-About what?
-About going back on the tour.
StiII thinking.
I know I can get back physicaIIy.
It's just the other stuff...
WeII, there's not another woman
with your drive or edge.
Now, um, I'm handIing that
insurance with the dentist today...
and we have the appointment...
with the business managers
about the trust.
Oh honey, today is just packed,
you do that.
-You sure?
Okay, your shirts from the cIeaners
are in the cIoset and...
I have got the wine and cater
coordinated for tomorrow's dinner.
What wouId I do without you, huh?
-You'd forget these without me.
-Of course.
The earrings make the outfit.
How's this?
-Perfect. BeautifuI.
-Thank you.
I Iove you.