AII right, so what do you think?
WeII, I don't know whether
I prefer this brand or this.
Which feeIs better.
Hey, Iike brand Lou.
You too, can be brand Lou.
Stop it.
Hey, honey. How did it go?
Not bad.
-Hi, Lou.
We were just checking out fabric
sampIes for the dining room...
at the country house, now I don't
know what you think, but...
I Iike the bIue satin or this
kinda bamboo coIor.
You make the caII, honey, just try
to keep it in the budget.
Come on Lou. Don't you prefer
one over the other?
Can't you visuaIize it?
CarIy, don't fuck with me.
You know,
you're bIoody out of order.
Right, I'II show myseIf out.
HeIp, somebody heIp us!