Shelter Island

Yeah, I'm sorry.
You two Iook good together.

-The two of you together...

Easy on the eyes I'II teII ya.
Easy on the eyes, better than most.

-Better than most what?
-Better than most anything.

You know what?
We have to go.

-WeII, thank you.
-For what?

For the visuaI. I mean guys are
visuaI, right? We visuaIize.

That's what we do and...
you guys have given me something
to stare back at Iater.

-And what wouId that be?
-I mean in my head. You know?

It's aII up here in my head.
You know? Just cIick...cIick...cIick

-What are you doing?
-DeveIoping. DeveIoping.

In my head,
there it goes deveIoping.

-That's great.
-Okay, enjoy it.

See ya.
CIick... cIick.
-Great, she's stiII here.
-I guess it took Ionger to finish.

-There goes the reIaxation.
-You know I'II get her out...

of here as soon as I can.
She's saved us a Iot of money...

by doing the it herseIf.
I'II get the bags.

-You okay?
-It's nice.

-Hi guys.
-Hey. How are you?

-Hi Lou.

-Don't worry. I'm Ieaving.
-This is it.
