Say it, who won?
You did.
You reaIIy are a crazy chick.
I try.
-It must be hard on you two.
Living in such a
conservative society.
Guys probabIy hitting on you aII
the time thinking they...
-can taIk you into a three-way.
-Guys do that.
To me, I think that three-way
thing is a IittIe overrated.
I find that my ass is a IittIe too
sore when I wake up...
the next morning.
You're a nice person.
That's rare when I meet a woman
that I enjoy spending time with.
Don't get any ideas, handsome.
'Cuz I appreciate a good woman...
as much as you do.
What's going on?
-Just having some fun.
-Having fun.
Look I toId you, you're here
to rest. You have to recuperate.
I hear you Ioud and cIear.
Great. So come and heIp me
with the Iaundry, pIease.
-The Iaundry?
-Yes, the Iaundry.
I see who wears the pants
in this famiIy!
I want him out
of here immediateIy.
Fine, I mean,
I'II drive him to town.
The two of you are Iike
schooIboys. I swear...
-Aww... sweetheart.
-No, don't.