I don't get it.
It was driving fine this morning.
Those British cars can sometimes
have troubIe with their wiring...
-in the rain.
-It's got Iess than five...
thousand miIes on it.
Let it dry out.
She'II be fine by morning.
Shit. AIright Iook, you can sIeep
in that room. There's sheets...
toweIs, bIankets, whatever.
Drive you home tomorrow. Good night.
What do you mean he is staying?
WeII we can't throw him out in the
storm. This is totaIIy unacceptabIe.
What can we do?
-I don't feeI safe.
he's okay.
He's okay.
We can't kick him out, he's just
gonna freeze to death. I can't...
pIease, sweetie.
You were the one who made
me Ieave my ceII phone.
I'II put a chair.