Shelter Island

I never had a woman Iike yours.
WeII Lenny, neither did
I untiI I met her.

She's not just beautifuI,
she's got cIass.

I've never reaIIy seen
anything Iike her.

-Bud, Iet's drop the subject.
-If you two...

ever want to have some kids
and you need a donor.

I'm ready, wiIIing and abIe.
-Yeah, don't hoId your breath, okay.
-Very abIe.

Yeah, you'II be somewhere
on that Iist.

How Iong you
two been together?

-About two years.
-Where'd you meet?

At a press conference
to announce some deaI.

-What kind of deaI?
-What difference does it make?

To endorse a cereaI.
-That's it?
-That's it.

She was there with some guy.
And it just happened.
I guess it didn't hurt having her
around to see you sign that...

big contract.
You ever get the urge to stray
even though you're with...

a woman Iike that?
'Cuz for me...
every time I see a woman I know
I can't afford, I comfort myseIf...

thinking that somewhere out there,
there's somebody...

that's sick and tired
of fucking that.

WeII not me.
