for your crazy glare!
I'm not a commie!
You're a commie, asshole.
if he weren't a commie,
he couldn't leave
his wife and brat,
knowing how they
would end up living here.
I'll find that bastard,
put a bullet in his skull,
and see what commie
blood looks like.
Until then, I can't die and
I can't back off. Understand?
Vicious bastard.
That's why I can't even die.
He should have killed
me before leaving.
I'll take the head of
his beloved Dear Leader
and thrust it in his face.
That's why I gotta go.
Got it?
You goddamned fool...
You goddamned fool...
Forgive me!
Bastard doesn't know fear!
If you overlook this,
I'll do whatever you ask.
I can't let it fall apart now.
Please, save me!
The captain told me
about your past and said,
even if everyone else gives up,
you'll remain to the end.
As long as my mother's alive,
I can't be free of this.