are based on real constellations,
whether it's Cetus, the sea monster...
or Draco, the dragon, or what have you.
And this sequence went through
many iterations...
before we finally settled on this one.
Originally, Eris even had another god...
Janus, who sort of served
as her foil in all of this.
But in order to draw
the conflict more sharply...
between Sinbad and the gods,
we chose just one villain here, Eris.
It's sort of an exposition scene...
a scene in which we have to set up
a lot of rules of our world...
and boy, did we have exposition
at one point.
Eris was practically reading
an encyclopedia...
to tell us everything about the world.
But we found a way to cut to the quick
and have Eris simply set up her scheme.
And visually, we had a lot of
different passes of this as well...
because we even had a version
where it wasn't Cetus, the sea monster...
it was a fire-breathing bull
that we threw into the water.
Yeah, we killed Taurus at one point.
Eris realized Taurus couldn't swim...
and didn't make a very good villain
in an ocean movie, so she had to reset.
Quick introductions of all of our crew.
We'll spend more time
with them as the movie unfolds.
But the challenge in opening a film...
is you want to
get to know these guys pretty fast.
So we polished this one in different ways
and ultimately settled on this.
Meeting them through action
rather than dialogue.
Let's get Sinbad into the thick of things.
Early on in the film,
this is the first big technical challenge...
that we had as far as design
with our CG environment, with water...
and getting these boats done.
So these are fully 3D painted boats...
with reusable cameras
that Damon could use.
And technically
the 3D water to get a graphic look...
was a very challenging
and time-consuming way to go.
But beautiful, the way it turned out.
And Damon and team had fun with
the camera throughout the action scenes.
We really set a sort of live-action standard...
as what we wanted to do
with the cinematography.
This opening sequence is great
'cause it's got a lot of cinematic energy.
For us, it was pretty complex,
combining the 2D and the 3D...