Come on, let's go!
Wait! Stand your ground!
What you see occasionally
in the background are guards fighting...
and those are almost exclusively...
3D animated characters, and yet,
Sinbad and Proteus are 2D characters.
Throughout the picture,
and we'll identify other moments...
we are combining drawn animation
with CG animation...
and really trying to use
whatever medium creates the best effect.
So with the guard animation, for instance...
all of those battles
could be reused in different shots.
If you had a good slash and stab motion
with a guy with a sword...
you could use it again
in another shot if it was CG.
So we did a lot of computer-generated
guard animation.
They did a great job of reusing
and they had a whole strategy.
They animated a couple of guards and
reused them from different angles and stuff.
Damon's crew did some beautiful
compositions against these sky layouts...
for where to look, and keep
nice, open areas around the characters...
while there's still
a lot of information on the screen.
This was really a nice, organic,
very big sequence for us to work on.
Robert Crawford and Mark and Pam
did an extraordinary job...
staging it and making it feel real
and making the stakes feel...
Love that shot that Mark came up with.
Now we used to kill this monster
slightly more graphically.
If you watch the shot where he gets hit...
it cuts before the strike, right?
So you don't really see
the poor guy get impaled...
but when you offer the opportunity
to kill a sea monster to storyboard artists...
they go for it.
You okay?
Thanks for sticking around.
We killed that sea monster
in so many different ways, too.
One time, we tied him up with string...
and had him sort of list over
and sort of sink.
We had him get knocked right through
the head by the tip of the boat...
to get a whole ramming pass on that thing.
So many different mechanical ways
of how to kill a sea monster.
At one point,
it wasn't a guard who got eaten...
it was Sinbad who ended up
inside the sea monster.
And here's Eris again.
Dan Wagner was our lead animator for Eris...
and I think as much as any animator
invented their main character...