He just cracked us up. It was like,
"Here's how the loch works"...
and, "I think the weight
is proportionally correct. "
It's not only beautiful,
I think we could build this.
This scene was a sort of late addition
in terms of the story line.
We really wanted to have more fun
seeing and learning...
about the history
between these once-old friends.
So this idea of a party,
a dedication ceremony...
for the Book of Peace arriving,
and Sinbad crashing it, was added...
late in the game.
When this set up for this back story
of that he knew her...
blew me away in the screening
when I saw this...
added sequence that really started
to pull everything together for me.
For the longest time Marina was on the boat,
so when Sinbad attacked Proteus...
he not only met his old friend,
he came face to face...
with the woman who sent him
out to sea 10 years previous.
So we figured it was just too much
to meet two important characters...
bam-bam right in a row,
and we separated those introductions.
Face to fist.
It was literally bam-bam,
two important characters.
'Cause Marina's intro in the movie
was decking Sinbad.
Jed, the weapons expert,
had a bigger role once...
but he did survive to have this one
really nice bit of business, a nice joke.
It's actually voiced by one
of our story artists, Conrad Vernon...
who's now co-directing Shrek 2,
so thank you, Conrad.
And some animation was done in London...
by the additional crew that we
had over there, and it was really fun...
to work over there, video conference,
with those guys.
They did a great job.
And here we have Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Catherine, just an absolute pleasure
to work with.
She was almost restless with how
much she wanted to play with the character.
She was never satisfied with her takes
and wanted to give you another version.
Thank goodness she did...
because her character...
It took a while to discover...
this kind of strong, female, non-princess
that we wanted for the picture...
and Catherine really helped us probe
and find some smarts and some authority...