- Slack to all sheets!
- Aye, aye, Captain.
Cut the fore and main trusses! Move!
There's a great place for us
to develop some ideas...
and lay out just...
I remember sending a whole lot of coverage
down to Tom...
and encouraging him
to choose the best bits...
and then seeing the final cut.
I think he used everything of it.
Fine-tuning and the editing here
works really great.
The edge-of-the-world effect
was one of the first big CG effects...
that was developed
by our 3D effects department...
and the big challenge
was not just to convey...
water going off the edge of the world...
from the distant perspective of Sinbad
and his boat as they approach...
but also to convey the spectacular updraft...
which is going to carry the boat across
to the gateway afterwards.
And they developed this really beautiful
sort of veil...
of wind-whipped water that...
We looked at the Bridal Veil Falls
from Yosemite...
which pushes so much air down...
that the falls actually flow upward
for part of it.
There's a beautiful sail animation
just when the sails are slack...
of these things kind of
being whipped around...
by the wind and then to rig them
in a configuration...
that would actually fly,
was Seth Engstrom's design.
Come on!
Of course, all their legs would be broken
if that really happened.
Luckily, it's animation
and our characters survived.
And Sinbad's lost his hat
till the end of the movie, right?
Oh, boy, that was a debate.
His hat was on every scene for a while...
and then we realized we weren't doing
our main character justice...
and so the hat's off.
Several key points throughout the picture.
He just looks a lot more manly
without the hat.
Manly, yes, but I liked it.
Great 3D lighting of the boat through here,
these next couple of shots.
Light through the sails.
That was a great shot.
Didn't you add that in the layout, Damon?
The shot with the mast shaking?
Yeah, we spent ages animating it
to try and solve it...