Grits' answering service.
You're in line. We'II take your call
later, or you can leave a message.
- Who was it?
- Some guy.
Not Billy? He's so easily riled.
You're not filming, are you?
No, no, no.
- Hiss it: "I'm sixteen".
- I'm sixteen.
Now, try fourteen.
Are there no normal people here?
There's lots of normal people.
There's not much
to tell about them.
Gunnar, set the alarm 15 minutes
early so I can blow dry my hair.
Good night.
The only thing with these two
is that he's jealous.
So, he's sewn
shrimp into her pants.
You set it to
15 minutes earlier, right?
It's important, to give me time
to blow dry my hair.
There's one thing
I can tell about her.
Can you hear what I'm saying?
No? Good.
I just need to talk. No one
listens to what I have to say.