Sandra! lf anything happens to me,
look in the drain pipes.
How often did you see Susie
before she disappeared?
She'd just gotten so weird.
She just wanted...
...cash and to talk about The Chimp.
- What Chimp?
- What're you making?
- Disco powder.
- Disco powder?
- Now l'm really getting spaced out.
- Don't worry, it'll pass.
- I'm back.
- It's starting again.
- What's with that powder?
If things are so boring,
why don't you move?
I'd rather be a ducky in a pond
than in the ocean.
Wow, well said.
That was really well said!
- Yeah, it was.
- I have to write it down.
- Yeah, you do that.
- I should write a book.
A book about myself.
Bridge to the chorus...
This is just so good.
- No, it sucks.
- Whatever. It's a free country.
Hey, Susie. Make the book about
a girl drugging her brains out.
- Hello, Susie. Can I ask something?
- Go ahead.
This dump has the lowest
educational level in the country.