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"Snowboarder" torrent
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– администратор Olias Barco
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– език
A snowboard is a board ridden by a rider in the sport of snowboarding. Attached to the rider's feet with bindings, it is ridden down snow-covered slopes or artificial ski slopes without the use of ski poles. Analogous to a surfboard or skateboard for snow. The length and width of the board depend on the length, weight, shoe size and rider preferance. the length tends to be about a foot smaller than the rider or between his/her collarbone and chin. A heavier rider will need a bigger board just as riders with big feet will need a wider board. between the different disiplines in snowboarding the preferance for longer/smaller, wider/less wide will be affected by which disipline the rider prefers. Freestlye boards tend to be smaller, wider and more flexible. Slalom boards tend to be skinny, long and stiff. All boards have metal edges and an upturned lip at each end (with an exeption to slalom boards which only have one upturned side at the front). A snowboard is not to be confused with a monoboard. The first snowboard was invented and manufactured in the state of Utah in the United States.
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:04:39 Върти се
:04:41 Заекът ще бъде готов скоро
:04:43 Вие хора...
:04:46 наистина хубав заек.
:04:48 Мишел?
:04:49 Скоро ще е готов
:04:50 Хайде
:04:51 Вземи тази голяма чаша
:04:52 Благодаря
:04:53 Наздраве
:04:54 Аз си прекарвам чудесно!
:04:55 Пийте това навън.
:04:56 Мишел, побързай.
:04:58 Мишел, приготви заекът бързо
:05:01 Момчета!Аз съм пиян
:05:04 Защо си с такава брада?
:05:06 Той се преструва да бъде зрял
:05:07 Така че, да придобие доверието на клиентите
:05:09 Това така вярно ли е?
:05:11 Върши ли работа?
:05:13 Ax, не е толкова удобно .
:05:48 Нека да говорим за нещо друго.
:05:50 Добре
:05:54 Добър скистил
:05:55 Всеки ми каза, че аз имам дарба.
:05:57 Искаш ли да работиш в моя магазин?