Rafael Sánchez Mazas,
one of the Fascist movement's
speaks of the horror of his
On 30th January I faced
a firing squad with 30 men.
Hello, I'm Lola.
I rang you.
- How are you?
- Fine. And you?
My father was held
with many others in a prison
set up at the Collell church.
One day, they picked out 50
and took them
to a nearby forest. My father
stood third from the end
in one of the lines.
So he had
two people in front of him.
And he managed
to avoid the bullets and run off
in the confusion, what with
people squirming on the ground
and other
terrible things like that.
he stood there, as I say,
and they started firing...
I think that's
what my father said...
and he managed to run away.
And he fell into a hollow.
Then he crouched down
as best he could
as he thought he'd seen
someone approaching
who might have seen him...
He'd seen this figure, you see.
And then a voice called out,
"Anything over there?"
And then,
"Nobody here."
And the man left.
So with all the material
you're gathering,
what are you going to do?