I trust you slept well sir.
The bed in this house has a curious...
... character.
But one does grow used to it after...
... just a few years.
I will not... I will not be here that long.
Nor did I expect to be, but...
... it is a loud world.
and this... is an Island.
But... an Island sir...
... ruled by a tyrant queen.
Has the power to send any one of us
back to where we came from.
the assylum, I mean.
Terrence, waxing already?
Perhaps you'd share
your thoughts with me sometime.
Mr. Cleg?
How much shirts are you wearing?
One, two, three...
Now really
is this absolutely necessary?
Oh... indeed it is madam.
clothes maketh the man...
the less there is of the man,
the more the need for clothes.