- You all right then?
- ooh why yes!
oh, you tipped over bad right there.
- You all right?
- will be in a minute.
This way.
You're going to take me
right in there are you?
Take you right in there, oh ya
I have something to show you all right.
- Oh ain't it lovely.
- Home sweet home
Two large scotch.
a... pint of bitter...
three gin, 7 bags of crisps
and 20 Embassy please.
- What can I get you dear?
- Oh no... I'm looking for my husband.
Right! She's looking for her husband!
- Who's your husband dear?
- Bill?
Bill who?
Bill Cleg.
- Bill Cleg...
- Bill! You're wanted!
Is he in here?
Not if he's got any sense he ain't.
Bill Cleg... I don't know him.
- Regular is he?
- no ra...
... no, at least I don't think so.
Sorry dear.
Can I get you something?
Thank you.