Phil Naplnitel,
Marianna Pøíkopová
a Rebecca Romaine-Vlahá.
Phil Naplnitel...
To jsem v ivotì neslyel.
Dìláte si psinu?
Neslyel jste o Naplniteli?
Natoèil tak 500 filmù!
O èem vlastnì je
ten Pavlovùv pes?
To není Pavlovùv pes.
Je to Pavlovùv...
...penis. Scìna 14 poprvì.
Polo se do toho, Phile.
Skvìlì. Jetì trochu.
Napumpuj to do ní.
Zastavit. Phile, zmiz.
Teï tam skoèí ti mutanti
a zjistí se, e je to zlej sen.
Cher, jestli tu smlouvu poruí,
vyøídí si to s námi obìma.
Tady skonèí.
Je mi u zadku, co se tam píe.
Oh, hi.
Can I help you?
Sorry, we're looking for stage 32,
and a little lost.
Thirty-- There's no 30--
Let me have a look at that.
You're on the wrong lot. You want
stage 32 at Half-Mast Studios.
-That's across the street.
-Oh, well....
So that would explain
why the guard was shooting at us.
Sorry to bother you.
You're Cher.
-Oh, boy.
-l-- Sorry. I'm sorry.
-I'm just a bi-- I'm a big fan. Big.
-He is.
Big fan of your work.
And I'm an actor too.
-You guys are an actor?
-No, no. Not him. Not him. Just me.
-I'm a short-order cook back East.
He does that, and I'm out here right now
just kind of going through it, you know?
Living it right now. It's going well too.
I got a couple of things going on.