You know, I'd be crapping myself.
It's my ninth year,
I think I'm just....
I feel like I'm over it, you know?
-I guess that's how you have to be.
You're doing that blinking thing.
Are you gonna have a panic attack?
-No, I'm cool.
-Are you all right?
-You all right?
-No, I'm not gonna--
-I'm gonna--
-Oh, God. Take it easy.
-Calm down.
-I think I'm dying.
-I'm dying.
-You're not.
-Oh, God.
-You're having a panic attack.
-Come on. Take it easy.
-Get my bag.
Wait, I'm having an arrhythmia.
Here you go. Breathe into the bag.
Short breaths.
Concentrate on the breathing.
It's nine years in a row!
I don't want to go on-stage.
Why do I have to go on-stage
with you?
You're gonna be fine.
You're gonna be fine, all right?
You're gonna have fun tonight,
all right?
You're gonna have fun.
Any normal person with a normal sense
of self-preservation...
...would understand that
all an artist has is his life.
And what he observes
as he passes through his life.
And any serious writer hanging out
for years with the rich, well...
...my God, you'd have to be deluded
to the point of derangement...
...not to realize that that writer
was taking notes.
My God, I even told them.
They knew I was writing this book.
What did they think I was there for?
The intellectual stimulation?
The wit?
The spiritual uplift?
I brought the intellect
and the wit to the party.
Okay, okay, he's coming.
He's coming.
Bravo! Bravo!
-You were just wonderful!
-Thank you, Mim.