Committed enough to pay
my $200 up-front service fee?
Which, of course, is used to defray
the costs of registration fees...
...entitlement paperwork
and what have you.
-What are you doing?
-I'm showing him how committed I am.
You're showing him
how stupid you are. Here.
We'll give you $100 because
you're only representing one of us.
Look, I'm gonna level with you.
Siamese twins
ain't the easiest sell I've had.
We're not Siamese. We're American.
I think what my brother's saying is,
he'd prefer the term "conjoined twins."
Okay, but I should let you know...
...I'm not one of those run-of-the-mill
suits. I'm a full-service agent.
-I get 25 percent.
-Well, what does he get in return?
-Seventy-five percent.
Well, I gotta tell you,
I think he seemed like a real player.
I guess.
Oh, my God. It's her.
Don't, don't, don't, don't gawk.
Don't do that.
She's famous. She probably
hates when people gawk.
I like that part, but I just....
I think we gotta at least go by
and say hi.
A minute ago,
we couldn't even look at her...
-...and now we're gonna go say hello?
-Hey, Bob, relax. It would be rude not to.
I'll do all the talking.
Excuse me, Ms. Streep.
Sorry to interrupt your lunch.
I know this is completely
...but my brother Bob
is a big fan of yours. He just--
He wanted to come by and say hi.
-Hi, Bob.
We're from Oak Bluffs
on Martha's Vineyard.