Bob, I ordered this well-done.
This has still got a pulse.
Toss it here.
Do it!
Bob, the guys on 1 1 are
really hungry. Where's the food?
-How much time do I got?
-You're already 14 minutes over.
What are--? What are they bitching
about? They're gonna get a free meal.
Hey, Bob, get the lead
out of your ass.
-Hey, up yours, Rocket!
-Oh, nice comeback.
Honey? Can I help?
No, would you just give me
a second to just get my rhythm back?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Here. I'm sorry.
I'm just....
Just a little frustrated.
Okay, I'm gonna get back to work.
What's a three-letter word
for man's best friend?
-No, I tried that already.
I'm telling you, I might've gotten
brain damage from that surgery.
I used to be able to knock these
things out in 20 minutes.
Hey, Walt, seeing that the show's
on hiatus and all...
-...why don't you go visit Bob?
-April, the show's not on hiatus.
It was canceled.
Well, then you should go.
Take a road trip.
I thought about that. I don't want
to rain on their parade, you know.
They need a little time alone.