Sur le seuil

- You're right.
I admit it, I went too far.

I'm not a perfect disciple.
In fact, maybe I shouldn't
take on his case.

I may be too involved.
- That's more like it.
- Who'll be assigned his case?
- Can you hear me Mr. Roy?
Make a sign to show
you can hear me.

Zoloft, 50 mg daily.
- I'm more than his manager.
His best friend, his only one.
I understand, Mr. Michaud.
Had he been behaving
any differently lately?

- Differently?
Tom was always a jet-setter.
But the last little while
he had completely withdrawn.

Since his last novel, a year ago,
I found him totally moody.
Do you understand?
He invited me over
5 or 6 months ago.

He told me:
- I'm stopping writing.
If you're trying to get me
to lower my cut, forget it.

- It's no joke.
I'm retiring.
- Get real!
You're a writer, not a bus driver.
Read the world over.
Exactly, I'm rich now.
