Read it from here...
"On the scene, several drivers
helped tend the victims.
Among the good Samaritans
was writer Thomas Roy."
- Yeah, so what else?
- When I realized he'd witnessed
two of the tragedies,
I suddenly wondered...
Anyway, I had nothing to lose...
Of the reporters
who wrote these 37 items,
I know ten.
I asked if they remembered
seeing Roy
on the spot.
Of the ten reporters,
three answered yes, they had.
- Were they certain?
- Absolutely.
- Okay, let's say Roy
was on the scene of,
how many...
five of these tragedies.
Where's that lead to?
- What do you mean?
How many deadly tragedies
have you been present at?
None, I bet. One, maybe.
Two'd be rare. But five...
Five confirmed.
- You don't really think Roy...
- No, listen...
- But the seven other reporters
said Roy wasn't present.
- No, they just said
they didn't see him.
Put yourself in Roy's shoes.
You select all those events
as inspiration.
If you've witnessed five,
it seems to me you'd identify them,
circle them, underline them,
But in here, nothing.
Nothing at all.
Maybe that means
Roy witnessed all these events.
It's possible.
- Possible, what's possible?
That he was there each of the 37 times?
Gimme a break!