Sorry for bothering you.
Your neighbor, Mr. Vasic,
vas murdered last night.
What do I care about Vasic?
-We do...
Why are you fucking with that
in the middle of the war?
You tried to pay your debt
with a truckload of tennis balls?
So? -People like Vasic
usually want money.
He liked to play tennis.
You want to know what he ate?
-Start with how he died.
Army issue bullet 7.62.
A machine-gun burst
medium range.
And another one
from the other weapon.
-7.62? -Yes.
Weapons of this caliber
are all over the place.
Nothing unusual about it.
Look at our casualties...
All the same caliber.
It's an epidemic!
This is Vasic here...
The last thing he ate?
Chocolate cereal.
Imagine, such a big Serb
eating kids' food.
Who can tell? You know
the stories about Vasic.
A spy, a Chetnik, funneling
money to rebel Serbs,
on weekends beating up
Croats held in Serb prisons.
Half of the town wanted him
dead. -You owed him money?
2000 marks, due in 3 months!
That's no reason to kill him.
People kill for less.
-Everybody owes everybody,
especially to Vasic. Ljubo,
for one. They started together,
then Ljubo opened his cafe.
Vasic got pissed off,
and maybe Ljubo was
the first one to fire...
Barbir, I got no money.
The whole 109th Brigade
was in here yesterday,
but very few of them paid.
-I came because of Vasic...
Fuck, he can't
lend you cash anymore.
Know anything about it?
-You're asking me?
He was a loan shark, too.
That's got nothing to do
with anything. -Oh?
What does?
-Don't know...
But that's got nothing
to do with me.