- Put on your seatbelt please.
l'll switch to speed three.
- No problems.
- Are you OK?
- l'm fine.
- Was it Daniel?
- Who else. The prefect's mother?
He's fast. The cops cannot catch him!
Don't be so sure. They have received
a new arm.
A new arm? What kind of arm?
A secret one.
Damn it! 298 km/h!
A white cab driving with 298 km/h.
l repeat: 298 km/h.
Understood, we are on the way.
Oh, l was worried, l thought
they were asleep.
- But this is a police car.
- No! Some friends of mine.
Very funny guys.
- Bertran, this is a strange registration.
- Get near.
''Go suckers, go!''
This is not a registration!
This is an e-mail...
Game over! Hold on.