Taxi 3

Hi guys. Would you like some grass?
lt's very good.

Oh, no, no...
- Don't be foolish. lt's high-quality.
- Really?

No, no. Who do you think we are?
OK. The choice is yours

- Tell me...
- Hey! And some coke?

- Rashid!
- l am just asking.
- Right!

What are these shits?
And what are these posters on the wall?
- lt's Bob Marley.

This is a police station!
Do you know how long we are working
on this case without success?

- The gang of Santa Claus?
- The same.

lt's time to do something.
37 robberies for 8 months, without
any track.

Nothing, that we can use.
We are useless fools...
Are you sure...
you don't want some stuff. l'll call
- No.

That will help you feel better.
What about a breakfast?

The breakfast gives energy.
Ok, let's go to have breakfast.
You have a good appetite.
l couldn't eat, l couldn't
sleep for months.

l have terrible nightmares. Many
Santa Clauses are walking around me.

lt's terrible.
- Say no more. lt's really terrible...

Lice up your shoe.
And Christmas is coming, they
can hide easily in the crowd.

- That's right. ln July it would be
more difficult for them.
- Yes, they couldn't escape...

And now Christmas is coming,
and l am sure, they are ready
for their biggest strike.
