Taxi 3

Are you the commissar Giber?
Yes. What can l do for you?
Good afternoon.
My name is Qiu.

Qiu, Qiu, what a nice name Qiu.
And what a nice queue you have!

ls this a chinese name?
Yes. My mother is chinese, and
my father - swiss.

l know very well Switzerland.
l am a journalist from World
lnternational Magazine.

l have to write an article about
the French police.

l want to follow closely the work
ofthe big commissars, and l heard,
you are the biggest.

That's right. 1 ,90 meters are too
many even for a policeman.

How impressive.
Yes. Sometime l make an impression
to myself.

- Can l ''stick'' on you for few days?
- All my life, ifyou want.

l mean, as long as needed
to make your article.

And you'll see how l work on

Thanks a lot. Can we start?
With pleasure.
- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.

What are you doing dressed
like Santa Claus in your

Eh? This! This is a camouflage.
We are trying to catch a gang,
disguised as Santa Claus.

Dressed like that, we can penetrate
into it.

- And what are the nippers for?
- They are note mine.

An other question?
Come in.
- Do l disturb you?
- Nothing can disturb me anymore.

l see you are alone in the office,
you have nothing special to do,
and l would talk to you for 5minutes.

No Petra, lt's not the time.
Can we talk at home?

At home you think only about
your work. l thought in the office...
