[Horn Honks]
So ourstory begins
at the corner
ofMain and Montroob...
in the spotless
real estate offiice...
run by Hank Humberfloob.
Humberfloob Real Estate. How can
we make yourdreams come true?
[People Chattering]
What do you mean,
you're leaving?
You're a babysitter.
Babysitters don't leave. They sit.
Baby-leavers leave.
I'm sorry. I really
gotta go, Miss Walden.
Well, I need to come home
right away.
All right.
Thank you, Amy.
Attention, everyone!
It's 9:02.
Staff meeting!
Staff meeting!
[All Gasping, Murmuring]
Look alive, everyone.!
First I'd like to
welcome aboard...
our newest member
of the Humberfloob family,
Jim McFlinnagan!
- Mr. Humberfloob,
I wanted to thank you...
- [All Gasping]
I beg your pardon?
B-But l...
One, two, three,
four, fiive, six, seven,
eight, nine, 10!
As you know, tonight is
our bimonthly"meet and greet" party.
Tonight's host is...
Joan Walden.
This is where people can
meet our real estate agents...
in an informal,
yet hygienic setting.
Mr. Humberfloob,
I have to get home to my kids.
Ah, yes.
Your children.
Joan, let me make this
perfectly clear.
If your house
is as messy as last time,
you're fiired!
[Employees Gasping,
That's pretty clear,
Mr. Humberfloob.
Don't worry. I promise.
My kids'll be
on their best behavior.