This is amazing!
It's like a ride
at an amusement park!
You mean, like at...
Universal Studios.
[All Screaming]
- [Cat] Whoa!
- [Grumbling]
Please exit the Kwan to your left.
Have a nice day!
This is ridiculous.
I have to get home.
Police brutality!
Illegal choke hold!
Where are we?
The living room,
I think.
Ah, man!
My eyes are closed.
If there's no line, could we
go back and do that again?
There's the crate!
If we shut the crate,
the house will go back to normal.
You have the lock?
Got it!
Come on! Let's go!
[Both Grunting]
- Come on!
- It won't shut!
Sally! Everything
is disappearing up there!
- Help!
- Sally!
- Oh! Oh!
- Sal... Aaah!
- Help me, Conrad!
- Sally!
Help me!
I can't hold on!
Hang on!
Help me, Conrad!
Sally, I can't reach
the lock!
- No!
- I can't save you
unless you let go!
Help me!
- [Lock] Yes!
- [Screaming]