The Company

Watch on walking lady lift,
the position of his arms...

She's not horizontal to the floor.
They may not be doing it perfectly...

This is the danger point for you.
Don't let that leg bobble.

Why don't we try that.

Try without music. Let's just do a
little ronde de jambe preparation.

And attitude...
And ronde de jambe...

And up... more fragile in
the legs. Whoops.

Alec, can you give us a hand?
Have you been watching this lift?

The objective is to get her a bit
removed from your body...

And at a bit of a diagonal rather
than parallel to the floor.

Let me see how you would hold
her to accomplish that.

- Lf you stayed to the side...
- Fairly lower on her hip.

You know what the difference is?
He's locking his elbow in here.

Try it with music
and we'll see what we've got.

Mark, you're going to work with
Amanda and Willy.

And I would like to have
the four ladies over here.

Alright, Mark.
We're getting ready to start
from the fourth movement...

Take your places lease.
Company, just move all this crap!
You're going to trip over it.

Don't leave your stuff
by the side of the stage.

Mark, you know we can't start
with all this clutter.

I know. We told them right
before this rehearsal...

Well you know...
If somebody falls over...
